Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Fairy Tale...

Hey guys, this is me again. Not that anyone is gonna read this but still, whats the harm in trying? Okay, so m here again to share another boring episode of my oh-so-god-damn-boring life. This one is about me being the fairy in love, and the black witch and a male angel, the witch and the fairy are fighting over(or rather the witch is fighting over, everyone knows that the fairy wins in the end). Yeah so this is my current "crush life"( I cant call it love life for obvious reasons-I fall in love every week).....

The story starts with a golden palace called "school", and the heroine of this story is "me". Okay, so me is a lovely girl every Teechel(Since its a fairy school so TEACHer+angEL) is fond of and who is liked by every angel in the school. She has long, beautiful, golden wings and she flies around solving everyone's problems. So me here, really likes this Angel, and she thinks he likes her too(which he actually does.Stop-No Arguments). Yeah, so everything is perfect and these two angels fly around enjoying the perfect everything(yaaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnn.......) when suddenly "the black witch" appears(Drama!). So, this black witch is disguised as an angel(WHICH I SHOULD MAKE CLEAR, SHE ACTUALLY IS NOT). Yeah, so this B.W(short form) steals every teachel's attention by flattering them and all of a sudden, nobody bothers for me. Me becomes very very sad and she hates B.W. And B.w knows it, but the kind of an evil witch she is, she continues to make her life hell. Even Angel gives more attention to B.W, and me's fairy tail turns into a bad dream(uaaaannn!).... One day, me decides to fight against B.W. And after many problems, she finally defeats B.W in a duel and everyone gets to know that B.W is a witch and Angel returns to her, all teary-eyed and apologetic. And the two of them live a happy life ever after.... 

Ha! Wow, that was such a beautiful story, m on the verge of tears... Okay, so this is the present case scenario, there is me(me), a guy(the angel), and a girl(the witch), and the story is still in that part where me is very sad and everyone likes the witch. So when I defeat her in the duel, I'll inform you!

My First Love

Hey guys,
I am back though I dont know whom I am addressing cuz none of you is interested in ma boringness(Sigh.....) and cuz I have been frustrated for as long as I can remember. So okay, this blog is dedicated to my first love. This is my story.....

When I first saw him, I was in love. It was like the entire world stopped, the Sun stopped shining, the birds stopped chirping, the wind stopped blowing, and my heart stopped beating. He was as handsome as ever... his eyes, his perfect nose, and that oh-my-god smile. It was all so sweet. That was the best moment of my life and I was so badly and madly in love. He meant everything to me and I felt beautiful. He smiled at me when he saw me drooling over him, maybe he did not understand. And I turned the deepest shade of red when he did that. I looked away. But God was full prepared to kill me; ma'am made the guy himself my partner. And oh-my-god, that was the longest and the sweetest day of my life. After that, I dont know what went wrong but we guys were always fighting, and i completely loved that, I completely loved the attention I got from him, I completely loved that he was talking to me all day, i completely loved it all. Until one day,(after four years) he decided to ruin it, it was the computer period and he asked Riddhia to sit next to him when I really wanted to. I was so sad and disheartened, I cried my heart out that day. And that computer period, I kept sneaking glances at them, and when I saw them laughing together, I could have killed the two of them(or maybe only Riddhia, I loved him too much to do that)... For four years I had a crush on him, and I never had the guts to go and tell him that. I wish I had, atleast i would have known how he felt.
Now when I remember that fateful day when everything stopped, i also remember that it was my first day in kindergarten.

Alone With The Moon(Here you go, my first attempt to bore you)

The lights went off,
and it was dark. 
But I felt the same
as I heard the song of the lark..
I had no one.
to speak to before.
And even now,
only the moonlight was knocking on my door.. 


This is "me" and m gonna write my boring life here for "you". So it is your duty, to "comment".